Get Paid To Surf Guide - Helping You Get Paid To Web Surf: Paid Surf 3
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  Paid To Surf
  Paid To Search
  Paid To Start
  Top 5
  1. Spedia
  2. Epilot
  3. Unique Surf
  4. Adsenger
  5. Get Pounds

Get Paid To Surf Programs

Get Paid To Surf programs pay you to have adverts displayed on an adbar or viewbar, whilst you are surfing the Internet. You are then paid a certain rate for the time you have adverts displayed.

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Type Get paid whilst active on the internet.
Payment $0.05-$0.50 per hour.
Max. use 40 hours per month.
Min. payout $55.00
Referals 4 levels.
Notes With PaysU, you view adverts through their PayStation. You get paid for using the PayStation while connected to the internet.



Type Get paid whilst active on the internet.
Payment $0.70 per hour.
Max. use Unlimited hours.
Min. payout $30.00
Referals 5 levels
Notes A small bar docks next to your browser and displays advertising. You earn 1 point for each minute you have this bar open and actively browse the internet. This amounts to $0.70 per hour maximum if you are a premier member, and around $0.45 for standard members. Spedia define active browsing as changing the URLs every minute. Spedia also offer the opportunity to make money by receiving e-mails and signing up for promotions.


Surf Miles*

Type Get paid whilst connected to the internet.
Payment £0.30 per hour
Max. use 7 hours per month.
Min. payout £15.00
Notes You first download the SurfPilot, and then earn 30 Surfmiles per hour for up to seven hours a month. 1 Surfmile is equal to 1 penny. Earn more by recommending friends - you get another 10 Surfmiles for every hour they are online. is available internetaionally, however, currently, the SurfPilot is only availble to UK members, but will soon be available worldwide.


Unique Surf

Type Get paid whilst connected to the internet.
Payment Up to 70% of net advert revenue generated by users. Their website quotes $0.70 per hour as an example.
Max. use Unlimited hours.
Min. payout $20.00
Referals 6 levels.
Notes Unique Surf is slightly different from other paid to surf programs. You can make money using either Surf Bar or QuickBar. With Surf Bar, you have to download it, and you can open it up just like any other ad bars. It is a small bar displaying advertss that you place at anywhere on your computer screen. With the QuickBar, you don't have to download and install. You can choose to use any one of the two, but not use both at the same time.

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