Get Paid To Surf Guide - Helping You Get Paid To Web Surf: Introduction
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a guide to 'get paid to surf the web' programs

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  Top 5
  1. Spedia
  2. Epilot
  3. Unique Surf
  4. Adsenger
  5. Get Pounds


The way Paid-To-Surf programs pay work is basically, they pay you to have adverts displayed on an adbar or viewbar, whilst you are surfing the Internet. Most of these companies require that you download some software, which when run, docks a bar next to your browser and displays adverts. There are however a few companies that do not require you to download any software, for example Unique Surf and ClickDough. With these companies you just log in then open a small window that displays adverts whilst you surf. Whichever type you have, whenever you are connected to the Internet and have the adbar/viewbar running you will be earning money, and this is essentially what Paid-To-Surf Programs are.

Most Paid-To-Surf Programs are essentially the same apart from a few small differences, for example with payment. Some companies pay a flat rate for the time you are connected to the Internet, and this is usually between $0.20 and $0.50 per hour. Other companies however pay a percentage of net advert revenue generated by members, this will usually be around 60 or 70 percent, and because of this, what you earn per hour may vary between months.

Maximum Usage
Some of the companies also have a maximum usage, for example Extra Salary and PaysU have a maximum usage of 40 hours per month so you will only be paid up to the value of 40 hours surfing for each month. Whereas ClickDough and Desktop Dollars have unlimited usage so you can use them as much as you like. Generally the companies with unlimited usage pay less per hour than the ones with a monthly limit.

Minimum Payout
Companies normally pay once a month. However, there is usually a minimum amount of earnings you may have to reach before they send out your check. This again varies between companies but is usually around $20.00. If your earnings are below the minimum pay amount, they are carried forward to the next month, and that month's surfing added to the total.

These companies also offer to pay you extra money just for referring your family and friends. How this works is simple, the more members these companies have viewing the adverts, the more money they make. That's why they encourage you to recruit as many people as possible (without spamming). They will give you a small percentage of what your referral earns in the program or dollars per hours. You also get paid for your referral's referrals, and your referral's referrals and so on (how many levels this goes down depends on the company). It is also important to note that when you refer someone, his or her earnings are in no way affected.

Other Conditions
Finally, another subtle difference between companies regarding conditions you must adhere to get paid. Some companies require you just to be connected to the Internet and have their adbar displayed. Therefore as long as the bar is displayed you could be writing a letter, listening to music or whatever. Some companies however, require you to fulfil certain conditions to show you are actively surfing the Internet and not just starting the adbar and walking away. For example, Desktop Dollars require you click 'continue' on the bar every 15 to 35 minutes. With Get Paid 4, you must move the mouse at least one time per minute, and users should click on 0.5-5% of the adverts that are displayed to qualify for payment.