Get Paid To Surf Guide - Helping You Get Paid To Web Surf: Tips
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a guide to 'get paid to surf the web' programs

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Hints & Tips


  Paid To Surf
  Paid To Search
  Paid To Start
  Top 5
  1. Spedia
  2. Epilot
  3. Unique Surf
  4. Adsenger
  5. Get Pounds

Hints & Tips

With all these programs how many should you sign up to, and which one? Basically you should look through the lists on the paid to surf, paid to search and paid to start pages and see which ones suit your own surfing habits. Below is some general advice to work with to help you make the most money out of you time surfing the Internet.

To start with you should sign up to at least one paid to start program like Ignifuge or Pays Start, as these pay you each time you connect to the internet.

It may also be worth signing up to one paid to search program, if you don't mind performing searches using their search engines. Epilot is a particularly good one as they pay you $0.03 for each search you do, and you don't even have to visit any of the results found.

After this you should sign up to some pay to surf programs. Although you can sign up to all of them if you want, and run more than one at once, you will not be able to have them all running on your screen at once. Therefore it is best to sign up to as many as you will be able to run and use effectively. If you use the Internet a lot you can sign up to more. For example you could run Spedia and Unique Surf together until you have used up your maximum monthly allowance and then load up some other for the rest of the month.

Once you have signed up and are running the programs the important thing to do is start trying to get referrals, as this is the best way of increasing your earnings significantly. Start with friends and family, and if you have a website add a links on that. Remember you don't just receive money for people you refer, but also the people who you referred then refer, so encourage your friends to refer people too. It is also important to note that the earnings of your friends will not be affected by being referred by you. All that happens is you get extra money for the time they spend on the Internet. They still get the same amount whether or not they were referred by anyone.