Get Paid To Surf Guide - Helping You Get Paid To Web Surf: Paid Surf 2
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a guide to 'get paid to surf the web' programs

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  Top 5
  1. Spedia
  2. Epilot
  3. Unique Surf
  4. Adsenger
  5. Get Pounds

Get Paid To Surf Programs

Get Paid To Surf programs pay you to have adverts displayed on an adbar or viewbar, whilst you are surfing the Internet. You are then paid a certain rate for the time you have adverts displayed.

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Desktop Dollars

Type Get paid whilst active on the internet.
Payment Up to 70% of net advert revenue per hour.
Max. use Unlimited number of adverts.
Min. payout $30.00 for U.S. $60.00 for rest of the world.
Referals 6 levels.
Notes The Desktop Dollar bar sits at either the top or bottom of your desktop and displays banner adverts. Desktop Dollars require you click 'continue' on the bar every 15 to 35 minutes to ensure you are not just starting the Desktop Dollar bar and walking away.



Type Get paid to surf the internet.
Payment $0.18-$0.10 per hour.
Max. use $9.00 per month.
Min. payout $25.00
Referals 5 levels.

With this program you run the ePIPO SurfWindow on your comptuer, and adverts are dispayed in this window. The main difference with ePIPO, is that there are two modes of SurfWindow, with two different payment plans. If your screen is set to 1024x768 or bigger you can run the 'SurfWindow' in double banner mode. This allows two 468x60 adverts to run at the same time. Lower resolutions will only be able to run one 468x60 and one 120x60 adverts. With the Double Banner you get $0.18 per hour compared to $0.10 with the Single Banner.


Extra Salary

Type Get paid to surf the interent.
Payment $0.50 per hour
Max. use 40 hours per month.
Min. payout $100
Referals 5 levels.
Notes This is a similar program to most, although it has a high minimum payout at $100. You get paid to surf the internet.You also get paid $0.03 to receive e-mails.


Get Paid 4

Type Get paid whilst active on the internet.
Payment 70+% of net advertising revenue generated by users, which has equated to around $0.50 per hour in past months.
Max. use 100 hours per month.
Min. payout $15.00
Notes A small bar displying adverts will be docked at the bottom or top of your computer screen. Get Paid 4 set some conditions which you must adhere to in order to be classed as active - you must move the mouse at least one time per minute, and users should click on 0.5-5% of the adverts that are displayed to qualify for payment. One of the main advantages of this program is the low minimum payout of $15.00.


Get Pounds

Type Get paid whilst connected to the interent.
Payment £1 per hour.
Max. use 25 hours per month.
Min. payout  
Referals 2 levels.
Notes This is an English company (available internationally) that pays up to a massive £1 per hour ($1.60) subject to viewing at least 100 adverts. You don't have to surf the web, just be connected to the web and using your computer, whether it be for word processing, games, listening to music etc. The adverts are shown on the Adticker, which is a mini-browser on top of your desktop.



Paid For Surf

Type Get paid whilst connected to the internet.
Payment 70% of advertising earnings generated by users are used for hourly usage and referals per hour.
Max. use Unlimited hours
Min. payout $20.00
Referals 5 levels
Notes When connected to the internet you earn whilst the date on the surf bar is green. As long as you are connected to the interent and have the surf bar open you are making money.

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